General Information about Worship with Us

: Sunday worship is at 10:30

Note that Sunday services are available on Zoom. Please contact the office to request the Zoom link. [email protected] or 450-671-6003.

During the Worship Service

•   Printed copies of the Order of Service bulletin and announcements are available from the ushers.
•   Bibles in English or French are available at the entrance. Des bibles en anglais ou en français sont disponible à l’entrée.
•   Pew cushions—please ask an usher if you need one.
•   An unattended nursery with a changing table, toys, books and a rocking chair is available for use if you need it.
•   Envelopes for donations and requests for follow-up to your visit are in the pew racks. They may be placed on the collection plate.
•   “Circle Time” invites all children to come to the front of the church for a special talk. After “Circle Time”, children move to the church halls with their teachers for Sunday School classes. Visiting children are always welcome to join them.
•   Books and crayons are at the back of the church (to the left of the main door as you enter). Children are welcome to use these materials.

Services of Holy Communion

•   A Sunday near the end of January
•   Palm Sunday (the Sunday before Easter)
•   A Sunday in mid-June
•   Worldwide Communion (first Sunday in October)
•   First Sunday in Advent (four Sundays before Christmas Eve)
•   Christmas Eve

This Week’s Worship


Reverend Jennifer Mountain

Reverend Jennifer Mountain, Iona 2023

Tributes, Dedications and In Memoriams

If you wish to make a special donation to remember a loved one or celebrate a special event or a special someone during worship, we offer two ways to do so:

•   Cut flowers or a flower arrangement may be placed in the Sanctuary. These will be recognized in the bulletin and/or by the Minister. After the service they will be delivered to people who are ill or shut-in.
•   A bulletin may be sponsored on a specific date. The dedication or tribute will be placed in the bulletin.

To arrange for either of the above, please contact the church office

Pastoral Care

If you know of anyone who needs pastoral care or if you know of a situation where the church might be helpful, please contact the church office.

Want to Participate?

If you would like to join a church group or participate in other ways in church life or if you would like more information about our activities for people of all ages, please contact the church office. We look forward to hearing from you!

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