We are located at:
Nous sommes situés au :

85 Boul. Desaulniers
Saint-Lambert, QC J4P 1L8

The mailing address is:
Notre adresse postale est 

415 Mercille Avenue
Saint-Lambert, QC J4P 2L6

Summer Office Hours:
Horaires d’été :

To be announced
À announcer

Telephone No.:
No de téléphone :
(450) 671-6003

Please click here to contact us in writing! Pour communiquer avec nous, veuillez remplir ce formulaire !

Office Hours:
Heures d’ouvertur

The Church Office is currently closed for personal visits. Telephone calls and emails are constantly monitored.

Le bureau de l’Église est actuellement fermé pour les visites personnelles. Les appels téléphoniques et les courriels sont constamment surveillés.

To contact the Food Bank call 450-766-2227.

Pour Le Dépannage Alimentaire, prière de laisser un message à 450-766-2227

Useful links: / Liens utiles :

Ecumenical Community Services (ECO) / Services communautaires œcuméniques (SCO)

To donate and for information about the local food bank and Christmas baskets, phone 514-497-2737: https://scosaintlambertecs.ca

The United Church of Canada


L’Église Unie du Canada


United Church Regional Website: Conseil Régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council

To request official copies of church records of births, marriages, or deaths please click this link, https://nakonhakaucc.ca/resources/archives/ Then under Civil Register Inquiries, click on the Civil Register Request Form link.

To view or subscribe to the Regional Newsletter, click this link,  https://nakonhakaucc.ca/newsletter/

Directeur de l’état civil


Follow the directions on the site to obtain legal copies of birth, marriage and death certificates.

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